Valid for - July 11, July 12 and July 13:
Departure from Beroe Stadium,
First bus in the direction of Mogilovo village at - 15:00
Last bus in the direction of Mogilovo village - 18:00
From the village of MOGILOVO to the town of STARA ZAGORA
Buses stop at stops:
Zora m. kv. Railway,
stop "Chaya" (28 Tsar Simeon Veliki Blvd.),
stop Beroe Stadium;
Last bus from the village of Mogilovo to the city of Stara Zagora for July 11, 12 and 13 – 03:00
Price per person, valid for both directions – 10.00 BGN
The price is paid in cash and on site.
Children under 7 years old do not pay for a ticket.
Children from 7 to 18 years old pay 50% of the ticket price.
Valid for - July 11, July 12 and July 13:
Departure from the Central bus stop (20 Georgi Dimitrov Blvd.),
First bus in the direction of Mogilovo village at - 15:00
Last bus in the direction of Mogilovo village - 18:00
From the village of MOGILOVO to the town of STARA ZAGORA
Buses stop at the following stops:
Zora district, Railway,
stop "Chaya" (28 Tsar Simeon Veliki Blvd.),
stop Beroe Stadium;
Last bus from the village of Mogilovo to the town of Chirpan – 03:00
Price per person, valid for both directions – 8.00 BGN
The price is paid in cash and on site.
Children under 7 years old do not pay for a ticket.
Children from 7 to 18 years old pay 50% of the ticket price.